Ebook Persian Textiles The Ramezani Family Collection Persische Textilien Die Sammlung Ramezani MarieLouise NabholzKartaschoff 9783702509378 Books

From zar-baft to qalamkar Persian textiles from the late 19th to the early 20th century display a multitude of techniques as well as many different kinds of illustrations. Besides, they are used in a number of different ways. As the subtitle indicates, they range from precious brocades (Zar-baft) to printed cloths (Qalamkar), from opulent oriental floral patterns to narrative depictions, from hangings, covers and garments to ones that are used for very special purposes – for example, cloths on which ceremonial meals are served and ones employed as chair and saddle covers, or animal trappings. In this richly illustrated publication, Marie-Louise Nabholz-Kartaschoff presents examples from a highly diversified private collection.
Ebook Persian Textiles The Ramezani Family Collection Persische Textilien Die Sammlung Ramezani MarieLouise NabholzKartaschoff 9783702509378 Books
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Tags : Persian Textiles. The Ramezani Family Collection Persische Textilien. Die Sammlung Ramezani [Marie-Louise Nabholz-Kartaschoff] on . From zar-baft to qalamkar Persian textiles from the late 19th to the early 20th century display a multitude of techniques as well as many different kinds of illustrations. Besides,Marie-Louise Nabholz-Kartaschoff,Persian Textiles. The Ramezani Family Collection Persische Textilien. Die Sammlung Ramezani,Verlag Anton Pustet,3702509372,ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES / Textiles Costume,Antiques Collectibles/Textiles Costume,Art,DESIGN / Textile Costume,GENERAL,General Adult,Non-Fiction,Reference,Western Europe
Persian Textiles The Ramezani Family Collection Persische Textilien Die Sammlung Ramezani MarieLouise NabholzKartaschoff 9783702509378 Books Reviews :