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Download Instinctive Shooting The Making of a Master Gunner Buz Fawcett Jay Cassell Books

Product details - Paperback 312 pages
- Publisher Skyhorse; Reprint edition (August 6, 2019)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 1510742735

Instinctive Shooting The Making of a Master Gunner Buz Fawcett Jay Cassell Books Reviews
- This is THE book on instinctive shooting for shot gunners and wing shooters. It was written by a former editor for Guns and Ammo, who ran a side-by-side shooting school for over 20 years, which was advertised regularly in The Double Gun Journal. This is his lifetime work from his developing of the shooting school and a must read for serious wing shooters. There are chapters on
Chapter I. The Predator
Chapter II. What Is Instinctive Shooting?
Chapter III. Eyes—The Most Common Problem
Chapter IV. Pointing—The Key to Good Shotgunning
Chapter V. A Shotgun That Fits You What Is It? How Do You Get One?
Chapter VI. Carrying Is The First Part Of Shooting
Chapter VII. The All-Important Ready Position
Chapter VII. Tracking
Chapter IX. The Mount
Chapter X. Your Year in the Wilderness
Chapter XI. Selecting a Shotgun
Chapter XII. Making of the Master Gunner
Chapter XIII. Practice, Practice, and Walkabout
Chapter XIV. Selecting Equipment
Chapter XV. More on Clothing
Chapter XVI. Care, Cleaning, and Maintenance
Chapter XVII. All Good Things Must End
Appendix 1. The Test—A Seven-Point Litany - Don't buy this book unless you love double barrel shotguns. This book is strictkly about them. This is a very comprehensive book about double barrels, all about how to trick one out for your personal body. I never could shoot one so did not finish the book as I never intend to ever shoot one. But If you like them then this book is a real keeper.Very in depth and I never even got to the part where he taught how to shoot it.The author claims a lot of prejudice against doubles and his method of shooting at established ranges but If I liked doubles I'd never let that stop me.This guy knows more about these guns and how to achieve very high proficiency levels than any one else I have ever read of or about.If I had liked doubles I would have definitely given this book five stars.
- There is much to this "Instinctive shooting", and I plan to pursue it. It's "out of the box" thinking, but I find that my "aim" is much better. You read, you decide. For me, it's part of my 'permanent' library.
- Very easy to read and understand. I've read all the books on instinctive shooting by Churchill,Jennings,Mcdaniels. This one is every bit as good. I read the book,dusted off my s x s and began smoking targets immediately. I found chapter 8's "four lines of concept" especially helpful. This book is a must read for shotgunners. Buz will get you on the mark quickly.
- This book is OK and is a simple, entertaining read. Most useful are his re enforcing the need to always be pointing, square your body to the target and look at the target with great intensity ignoring all else. I see his approach as that of athletic training and working to bring out natural human talents. Other shotgun and hunting related information is worthwhile. Though released in 2013, I believe it was written years before by nature of the black / white photographs being marginal and little mention of on line resources. The authors web site appears not to have been fully maintained for years. I'm sure Buz was an amazing shot, excellent instructor and a great guy to be around.
- I disagree with his approach to wingshooting
- Buz Fawcett's method of instinctive shooting brings results which are simply amazing and can make you the Master Gunner you dreamed of becoming. I think this is the best overall guide on side-by-side shotgunning that I have read. Buz's writing style is unique and entertaining, but the book still contains loads of information in a well presented format. I highly recommend.
- Buz Fawcett is a rare breed; a true gentleman sportsman. This book towers above any other book on shotguning. I've read them all including Robert Churchill's. As a graduate of the Wingshooting Workshop, I find it details everything in the three day seminar plus info on Buzz's varied and extensive career. His methods and equipment work. Anyone who follows this regimen will succeed. I graduated from the Wingshooting Workshop 17 years ago and waited for this book since then. It was worth the wait.