Read How to Be Filled with the Holy Spirit edition by A W Tozer Religion Spirituality eBooks

The only way to live with true spiritual power
"Are you sure you want to be possessed by a spirit other than your own? Even though that spirit be the pure Spirit of God? Even though He be the very gentle essence of the gentle Jesus? Even though He be wisdom personified, wisdom Himself? Even though He be as loving as the heart of God?" —A. W. Tozer
In a little book that's hard to swallow, A. W. Tozer teaches plainly who the Spirit is, why we should desire Him, but why few of us do. He instructs us in how to be filled with the Spirit, but first poses this question Do you really want to be filled?
Read How to Be Filled with the Holy Spirit edition by A W Tozer Religion Spirituality eBooks
"For those who are curious, this book will stretch you. Tozer explains very clearly who and what the Holy Spirit is. It's when he gets to the "why" - that will unsettle the casual reader. Are you SURE you want to be filled with the Holy Spirit?, he asks.
He paints a beautiful picture of what it really means to cultivate the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life. It requires a level of devotion and commitment that most people are not willing to make unfortunately. Are you willing? This book will stretch and challenge you - which is exactly what you need if you desire to be filled by Him. God bless you, dear reader."
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Tags : How to Be Filled with the Holy Spirit - edition by A. W. Tozer. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading How to Be Filled with the Holy Spirit.,ebook,A. W. Tozer,How to Be Filled with the Holy Spirit,Moody Publishers,Christian Theology - General,Christian Life,Christian Life - Spiritual Growth,Christian Theology - General,Christian Theology - Pneumatology,Personal Guidance,RELIGION / Christian Life / Spiritual Growth,RELIGION / Christian Theology / General,Religion,Religion - Inspirational/Spirituality,Religion/Christian Theology - Pneumatology,Religion/Sermons - Christian,Sermons - Christian,christian ministry;pursuit of God;spirit-filled,christian theology; christian living; spiritual growth; spiritual formation; christian classic; spiritual maturity; christian ministry; pursuit of God; spirit-filled,christian theology;christian living;spiritual growth,spiritual formation;christian classic;spiritual maturity,Christian Life - Spiritual Growth,Christian Theology - Pneumatology,RELIGION / Christian Life / Spiritual Growth,RELIGION / Christian Theology / General,Religion/Christian Theology - Pneumatology,Religion/Sermons - Christian,Sermons - Christian,Religion - Inspirational/Spirituality,Christian Life,Personal Guidance,Religion
How to Be Filled with the Holy Spirit edition by A W Tozer Religion Spirituality eBooks Reviews :
How to Be Filled with the Holy Spirit edition by A W Tozer Religion Spirituality eBooks Reviews
- I received A.W. Tozer’s “How to Be Filled with the Holy Spirit†from Moody Publishers.
This book holds another poignant message which challenges the Christian to attend another meditative self-review of his, or her, innermost values, and desires, so that he, or she, may realize the degree of importance to which he, or she, holds the personal relationship to, and with, God. In the first chapter, entitled, “Who is the Holy Spirit?â€, Tozer begins by first distinguishing the difference between the natural world and the spirit world.
Then, in chapter two (“The Promise of the Fatherâ€), Tozer provides a brief, but constructive, introduction to the Holy Spirit as he describes His origin, role, and purpose, as a member of the Holy Trinity (or, Godhead) and as God in the Christian’s life. Tozer is clear in his description of the Holy Spirit even as he establishes the fact that the Christian must depend totally upon the Holy Spirit in order to effectively live for Jesus Christ.
Next, in the third chapter, entitled, “How to Be Filled with the Holy Spiritâ€, Tozer explains how the Christian can be filled with the Holy Spirit--- but after he asks seven vital questions
1.) Is the Spirit-filled life for you (pg. 40)?
2.) Can you believe this part (i.e., to be Spirit-filled) is part of God’s plan (pg. 41)?
3.) Can you believe the Spirit is loveable (pg. 42)?
4.) Can you believe this is scriptural (pg. 43)?
5.) Do you want to be filled (pg. 44)?
6.) Do you want Him to be Lord of your life (pg. 46)?
7.) Are you sure you need Him (pg. 48)?
It is after the position of these questions, and some insightful commentary, that Tozer explains how to receive the Holy Spirit by referencing the Holy Bible
1.) Present you Body to Him (Romans 121 - 2).
2.) Ask to be filled (Luke 119 - 13 and Psalms 28).
3.) Obey the Holy Spirit (Acts 532).
4.) Have faith in God (Galatians 32).
Finally, Tozer explains how to cultivate the Spirit’s companionship as he cites the scripture, “Can two walk together, except they be agreed? (Amos 33).†Perhaps Tozer’s statement (on page 56) not only summarizes Chapter 4 (i.e., “How to Cultivate the Spirit’s Companionshipâ€), but it also harmonizes the message of this entire book
“I don’t want to say this, but I think that some of you may not be ready for the message because you are more influenced by the world than you are by the New Testament. I am perfectly certain that I could rake up fifteen boxcar loads of fundamentalist Christians this hour in the city of Chicago who are more influenced in their whole outlook by Hollywood than they are by the Lord Jesus Christ. I am positive that much that passes for the [G]ospel in our day is very little more than a very mild case of orthodox religion grafted onto a heart that is sold out to the world in its pleasures and tastes and ambitions (1952).â€
In this final chapter, Tozer also presents six important things which Christians must do in order to be filled with the Holy Spirit after he poses one important question (on page 54)--- “Are you ready for this?â€
After this question, Tozer enumerates some of the blessings and benefits of allowing the Holy Spirit to take on His rightful role in the Christian’s life. Then, Tozer lists the six important things which the Christian must either remember, or do, if he, or she, is ready to be filled with the Holy Spirit
1.) The Holy Spirit is a living Person [therefore, the Christian must relate to the Holy Spirit as the Person He is] (pg. 57).
2.) Be engrossed with Jesus Christ (pg. 58).
3.) Walk in righteousness (pg. 59).
4.) Make your thoughts a clean sanctuary (pg. 60).
5.) Seek to know him in the Word (pg. 61).
6) Cultivate the art of recognizing the presence of the Spirit (pg. 63).
So, to summarize this book, Tozer is explaining that while a Christian can have sincerely accepted and received the free gift of salvation offered to all by the Self-sacrifice of Jesus Christ, it is also possible for that same Christian to not be filled by the Holy Spirit, and as a result, miss out on a very intimate, life-changing and wholesome experience with the One whom Jesus promised would be our “Comforter†, and the One who would teach us all that we would need to know after Jesus ascended to the Father in Heaven (John 167).
This is another one of Tozer’s works which I have added to my personal library, and I highly recommend that Christians who wish to know how they can live out their purpose read this book. Tozer’s message can help the seeking Christian to understand that the Christian already has a purpose (Isaiah 437)---- the Christian just needs to know God’s plan for his, or her, life so that living out that purpose can be done (Jeremiah 2911 - 13). But, this is done by cultivating an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit.
Tozer’s fearless assessment and rebuke of the modern Church’s seemingly mass abstention from the influence and leadership of the Holy Spirit, and its widely evident conformity to many of the world’s ways and attitudes, further encourages me to take greater critical self-assessment in order to truly understand my personal need for more of the Holy Spirit’s influence and leadership in my life, and I hope this book encourages other Christians to do the same. - Im a very immature christian, having been lazy in pursuing anything more than a surface relationship with Christ for 40+ years. Lately, that has changed and this book (a few transcribed sermons) has provided even more encouragement.
- It's not a deep, long read. Be aware that this is more of a pamphlet than a book. It's 64 pages and can be ready in about 30 minutes. I was hoping for more substance and depth.
Though there are some excellent points Tozer makes, especially in terms of people being afraid of a Spirit-filled life. It's worth the price you pay for the last 30 pages. It really is.
He doesn't go into gifts or manifestations; Tozer talks about your inner life and how it works, or doesn't work, in tandem with Spirit-filled living. So, in that sense, you'll be glad you got it.
He's plain spoken. The longer I live, and the more books I write, and the more books I read, and the more theologians I encounter, I appreciate plain spoken people ever the more. - For those who are curious, this book will stretch you. Tozer explains very clearly who and what the Holy Spirit is. It's when he gets to the "why" - that will unsettle the casual reader. Are you SURE you want to be filled with the Holy Spirit?, he asks.
He paints a beautiful picture of what it really means to cultivate the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life. It requires a level of devotion and commitment that most people are not willing to make unfortunately. Are you willing? This book will stretch and challenge you - which is exactly what you need if you desire to be filled by Him. God bless you, dear reader. - I was recently challenged by a mentor that I was lacking joy and receptivity to the Holy Spirit. I do not have a long history of Holy Spirit centered preaching, so I admit I was a little confused about what the Holy Spirit is and who He is. This book cleared everything up and backed every concept up with scripture. This book is a gem and a quick, compelling read. I may never be the same, and that is a good thing.
- The most powerful source of energy, love, wisdom, sanctification process, connection with God and Heaven there is in this universe is the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost. And He can live inside us if we want Him too and fill us with overwhelming indescribable love mercy and grace that transcends our understanding and results in pure peace, joy and hope. It will be a sad day on earth when the Holy Spirit is removed from the earth with the rapture. Imagine no moral compass on earth at all for 7 years. Being filled with that power, the same power that spoke the universe and us into creation wants to fill us completely to overflowing if only we let Him in.
- Best book ever to get you grappling with what it means to be filled with the Spirit. Tozer lays it all out simply and biblically, with context. I will read this book again and again and pass it on to others as well. I don't take Christianity lightly and I also don't believe everything someone says no matter their position. I dig in for myself and try to find out what God is telling me about Himself. I believe He reveals Himself differently to different people and at different times. As long as you're interested in what He's trying to say to you and what He's trying to reveal about Himself to you at this particular point in your life then you'll be on track. This book reiterates that.
- I chose this rating because I learned something helpful. I was on the brink of this discovery and it confirmed my suspicions about the Holy Spirit. It gave me an extra little nudge to cultivate and befriend this awesome person of the Holy Trinity. I did not view Him as a person before and still thinking about the truth of it. But we do refer to the Holy Spirit as the third person of God. Who would not want to live without this wondrous person.