» Download PDF Divine Blindside A Divine Cozy Mystery Divine Christian Cozy Mysteries Series Book 3 edition by Hope Callaghan Religion Spirituality eBooks
Katelyn Bass on Saturday, May 25, 2019
Download PDF Divine Blindside A Divine Cozy Mystery Divine Christian Cozy Mysteries Series Book 3 edition by Hope Callaghan Religion Spirituality eBooks

Product details - File Size 1470 KB
- Print Length 363 pages
- Publication Date March 27, 2019
- Sold by Digital Services LLC
- Language English

Divine Blindside A Divine Cozy Mystery Divine Christian Cozy Mysteries Series Book 3 edition by Hope Callaghan Religion Spirituality eBooks Reviews
- Finally after reading about the lives of the half way house residents , we get the scope on Jo's past. This book reveals a skeleton even she knew nothing about.
The book is a quick read and full of mystery, Bible quotes and people helping people. Kudos to you if you figure out the culprit before it is revealed. Keep turning pages until you get the delish recipe for Raspberry Dream Bars. - Joanna Pepperdine owner of the Second Chance home for former women convicts that need to change their lives. Joanna, "Jo" as she is called tries to have them work and get ready to get back into society. Sherry almost ready to leave has been working at the Divine Delicatessen when one of the employees is found dead in her car parked in the back of the Deli. Sherry being a suspect causes Jo to get involved trying to prove her innocent. With problems showing up in Jo's personal life and the murder, things get exciting with the usual twist at the end.
- I read this in one sitting and it left me begging for more! Though many questions were answered, so many more were raised. Would she lose the farm? Would romance ensue for one or a few of the residences? Which dessert would win????? Hope.....don't keep us waiting too long!!!!!!!!!
- Hope Callaghan has Really kept me Addicted, excited and Curious as ever. This Book has indeed left me once again wanting more. I just can never seem to get enough of this Authors Books. I’m always on the edge of my seat waiting to find out The Who, What, Where and Why. Not to mention the How’s. Love this series as much as I’ve enjoyed the other series of Hope Callaghan’s.
- This book was a very good story line and the suspense was consistent throughout. All characters are well defined and consistent with one exception - Miles Parker. He was mentioned several times and referred to, but never shows up. Maybe he is being saved for the next book. Otherwise, glad I read this book and will continue to follow the author.
- I like Hope Callaghan a lot. I read all her books and I am a follower. Divine Blindside is worth reading. Like the first books it is a setting on a farm for women who are released from prison and are being given second chances. If you like her other books then you will truly enjoy this series. I am anxiously awaiting her next book in this series
- I have been waiting on this book so all my questions would be answered.... well instead of a flood of information it was short burst with just enough reaction to keep me wanting more! I feel like I understand Jo better yet I now have more questions about more people. I love these ladies so I just can’t wait to see what happens next.
- I was frustrated by the problem Jo is having with her possible half brother. In the real world, any attorney worth anything would not have Jo in any contact with Parker, but would indicate that all communication go through him. A good attorney would have insisted on proof of paternity through genetic testing. The most Parker could get would be partial interest in the farm if the estate didn't have enough other assets to provide a half share, which sounds unlikely if the estate is as huge as the author hints.