» Download PDF The Restaurant at the End of the Universe Douglas Adams 9780345391810 Books
Katelyn Bass on Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Download PDF The Restaurant at the End of the Universe Douglas Adams 9780345391810 Books

Product details - Series Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Book 2)
- Mass Market Paperback 256 pages
- Publisher Del Rey; Reprint edition (September 27, 1995)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 9780345391810

The Restaurant at the End of the Universe Douglas Adams 9780345391810 Books Reviews
- I have ZERO recollection of buying OR reading this book, however I am still going to give it five stars because as a fellow author, I realize what it takes to put a book out into the world. WHICH IS LIKE GIVING BIRTH WITHOUT AN EPIDURAL, PEOPLE. And then some you-know-what-hole will give it two stars because there's a blood stain on a page (I am not making this up) or because they thought they were buying JENNY McCarthy's book (also not making this up) and you want to jump off something sky scraper-y or poke yourself in the eye with something especially pokey. I'm sure this is a great book and even if it's not, can't we all just be nice to each other for crying out loud?
- This is a wonderful continuation of the first volume, The Hitchhiker 's Guide to the Galaxy. The ex-president of the Galaxy is now on a quest to meet the person who runs the universe but, thanks to improbability, he and his traveling companions are swung into an adventure the likes of which they couldn't have imagined.
This is humor mixed with imaginative nonsense of the best sort and some food for thought, yes, at a restaurant. You have to have patience for philosophical gibberish set in hilarious tones, but that is half the fun. Once you meet the ruler of the universe, you'll find it explains a lot.
Warning don't read this while sipping tea or any other beverage. It will shot out of your nose when you start laughing. - The "Restaurant At The End Of The Universe" is the sequel to the epic "The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy" and the adventure and wackiness ensues once more as Arthur Dent(human), Ford Precept(from Betelguise), Trillion the "Heart Of Golds" co Captain and the ex President of the Galaxy Zaphod, and of course there's Marvin the depressed robot. Absurd situations lead to laugh out loud hilarity, mostly from Marvin who has a bigger role in this tale. And now the question is "What is number 42?". The answer is somewhere inside the head of Arthur, however nobody seems to have the answer yet, although maybe a certain robot does? The book can only be described as pure fun for anyone.
The book starts right where the first left off. They just want a little bite to eat is all, is that too much to ask?, apparently so. The Heart Of Golds improbability drive does not work and a mysterious man from Zaphod's past is their only hope. Whereupon the crew of the ship gets separated from each other. Arthur and Ford find themselves on a another planet and must find a way to escape. They steal a very important ship that belong to the galaxies number one rock band "Disaster Area". When Arthur and Ford teleport and find themselves on a Golgafrinchen Ship which crash lands on prehistoric Earth with a bunch of mumbling idiots, even Arthur trying to teach them Scrabble doesn't help with the ultimate question. And what about Zaphod, he may find out something of himself he's not ready to accept.
This is the second book of the Hicthhiker series and was published in 1980. - I did the Audiobook, and it is really really read well. The book of course is hilarious. If you have never read the series, read it in book form first. The audiobook is a great way to experience it again when gardening or jogging, the type of activity that does not require concentration.
- This book should be read after the "The hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", due to the fact that "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe" starts where the previously mentioned book ends. That is, with the two survivors to the Earth's destruction, Arthur Dent and Ford Prefect, traveling along Trillian, Marvin the robot and Zaphod Beeblebrox in the "Heart of gold", a stolen Improbability Drive ship.
If you read this book, you will go along with our friends in their adventures, for example when they visit Milliways, the Restaurant at the End of the Universe, or when they escape certain destruction in a stuntship used by rockstars. You will also learn the real meaning of "dying for a cup of tea", and have a chance to eat meat that wants to be eaten. Of course, Marvin will continue giving you lessons in pessimism, and Zaphod will go on being "so weird that he should be in movies".
I liked this book, but I didn't love it nearly as much as "The hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". What is more, "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe" doesn't have a clear ending, and I find some fault in that. Of course, I am more than ready to read the next book in the series, but that is not the point.
On the whole, I don't recommend "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe" to those that haven't read "The hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", due to the fact that they won't enjoy it so much. Notwithstanding that, I do recommend this book as entertaining reading material for those already addicted to Douglas Adams quirky sense of humour. It is not perfect, but it is more than good enough to enjoy )
Belen Alcat - This is a great book and a great author and I love all things Douglas Adams
I feel totally ripped off by this ridiculous Audible version.
I have several of the other Audible Hitchhikers books from iTunes. They work great.
I bought the add on version and I can not get it to work at all.
I finally attempted to get a refund from the "Bought by mistake" (it sure was a mistake buying this) and it says I am not eligible to return it but does not say why.
BE WARE THE AUDIBLE KINDLE ADD ON MAY JUST BE A WASTE OF MONEY FOR YOU TOO. - The sequel is just what you'd expect if you've read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Think about carrying forward all human foibles into the galaxy and that pretty much sums up the book. Parts were great (the restaurant is a place everyone should visit at least once in all eternity) but I found other parts of the book a bit slow. Marvin is certainly one of the best android characters of all time. Trillian pretty much gets left out of this book (sorry Zooey Deschanel, no reprise role for you).