Read The Pregnant Pause Finding positivity when all the results are negative edition by Lori M Alcorn Religion Spirituality eBooks

Book Description
Infertility is a secretive club that no one wants to belong to. There is a high cost of membership, financially but also emotionally, physically, and spiritually. And somehow the belonging is not the kind of exclusive club you want to be part of because it excludes you from belonging to the mainstream, the 'normal' clubs everyone else seems to be in. Even though 1 in 6 couples are in the club at any given time, it can still be a lonely place.
This is where Lori found herself beginning in 2007, in the incredibly isolated place of being stuck in a pregnant pause. As she walked through the inevitable choices that need to be made, she found herself eliminating the most popular paths to a family most others in the club chose. Isolating herself further. She realized her story wasn't going to be any of the typical paths, her story was having no answers, no next steps, and it could have been about having no hope. But it wasn't!
This is why The Pregnant Pause was written. Lori wanted to make the INfertility club more INclusive, so women on all different paths of the journey could find hope in her journey. Because Lori's infertility story has not reached it's conclusion yet, it resonates with all the women also still waiting. Waiting for answers. Waiting for their next steps. Waiting for their path to be revealed. Waiting on hope. Waiting for the joyful life they long for. Lori eventually found that joy. This is her story.
Back of Book Blurb
n. Pregnant Pausea pause that carries the expectation it will be followed by something significant. For 13 years Lori has been stuck in the waiting room, still expecting to become expecting. And it wasn’t just her ability to be pregnant that was on pause, her whole life was stuck on pause. So, what do you do when you are *Always waiting for answers? *Beginning to feel hopeless? *Stuck in the negativity?
One day, she just couldn’t wait anymore, her ability to get pregnant was on pause but that didn’t mean her whole life had to be! Lori faced all the hard questions head on, determined not to let hope and joy evade her any longer. As she began to own and embrace the reality of her story, she realized she was not only struggling with infertility loss but identity loss as well. Lori's story began with the unraveling of a lifelong purpose, but soon became a story about what you find when you think all is lost!
In The Pregnant Pause, Lori details her journey through infertility, taking you on a tour of all the highs and lows. Join Lori as she shares the ins and outs of re-discovering love, faith, and hope on this painful path. Once you start Lori's story, you won't want to put it down until you know how she did it, how she found her way to positivity when all the results were negative.
Read The Pregnant Pause Finding positivity when all the results are negative edition by Lori M Alcorn Religion Spirituality eBooks
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Tags : The Pregnant Pause Finding positivity when all the results are negative - edition by Lori M. Alcorn. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Pregnant Pause Finding positivity when all the results are negative.,ebook,Lori M. Alcorn,The Pregnant Pause Finding positivity when all the results are negative,Body, Mind Spirit / Inspiration Personal Growth,Health Fitness / Infertility
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