» Ebook Undo It! How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Reverse Most Chronic Diseases Audible Audio Edition Dean Ornish Anne Ornish Random House Audio Books
Katelyn Bass on Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Ebook Undo It! How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Reverse Most Chronic Diseases Audible Audio Edition Dean Ornish Anne Ornish Random House Audio Books

Product details - Audible Audiobook
- Listening Length 8 hours and 34 minutes
- Program Type Audiobook
- Version Unabridged
- Publisher Random House Audio
- Audible.com Release Date January 8, 2019
- Whispersync for Voice Ready
- Language English, English

Undo It! How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Reverse Most Chronic Diseases Audible Audio Edition Dean Ornish Anne Ornish Random House Audio Books Reviews
- There's a few new bits, like the additional studies he's done in other areas of chronic disease using his integrated system. The focus was very heavy on the personal side of his program, and frankly you are assumed to know what the food looks like from his prior books and therefore he doesn't go much into it. He however, does tell you about the latest research on how a plant based diet works in many areas of your health and life. Frankly, I was hoping for a lot less Woo and even more science. And that was my disappointment. He also has swung away from the Spectrum concept and tries to convince you that even one higher fat meal will hurt you. It did surprise me that he continues to claim that no other diet has been proven to reverse heart disease. This just isn't true, and considering how much research he does into this area he must know it isn't true. We have the 2005 study done by a major medical university in Israel that studied heart disease reversal using three diets. The first was low fat (really 30%) the 2nd was the Med diet, and the 3rd was a low carb diet of all things. All three showed reversal of heart disease. And yes, there was weight loss in all three groups. However, the correlation with reversal didn't come from weight loss. In other words those who lost the most weight didn't have the most reversal. The researchers DID find a direct correlation of one single factor when it came to reversal of heart disease, and that was with Systolic blood pressure. The more systolic blood pressure fell the greater was the reversal. Thanks to these researchers we now know the mechanism for heart disease reversal. How is it that all three diets saw drops in Systolic blood pressure and therefore reversal? That's fairly simple. What all three diets had in common was elimination of processed food, and therefore the 80% of salt that the average person eats. It was salt restriction that led to the drop in blood pressure and therefore the reversal of disease. It was interesting that it wasn't animal products, or for that matter fat regardless of saturated or otherwise. Does this make sense? Well, way back in the 30's, 40's and 50'l a guy by the name of Walter Kempner reversed kidney disease, deadly high blood pressure and heart failure by restricting sodium to under 60 mg a day. He diet was white rice, fruit and almost a thousand calories of white sugar. Once he retired those that took over became less restrictive on other vegetable, some meat and fish, BUT they maintained the low sodium aspect of the diet. It still worked using 500 mg of sodium a day. They had the same success. We then had the Inter-salt study. The handful of societies that consumed under 1,200 mg of sodium a day had no high blood pressure, no heart disease, no kidney disease and no type 2. IT'S THE SALT. Is his program a good one? Sure. Plant based is good, but plant exclusive (vegan) is not absolutely necessary. He never gets around to explaining how the Blue Zones folks in various parts of the world live to be one hundred without being vegan, or for that matter low fat. The fat consumed ranges anywhere from fifteen percent to forty percent depending on which Blue Zone area you consider. And of course almost all of them are omnivore.
- I've been following the Whole Foods, Plant Based lifestyle doctors for a few months now. I ran across a podcast of Dr. and Mrs. Ornish recently and loved what I heard. This prompted me to buy the book. I have to say now that the WFPB lifestyle has been tremendous in reversing and healing issues I've had for years.
The book is packed with great information on eating, moving, de-stressing, and loving. Plain and simple advice for living a healthy life. Lots of great recipes, too. There is a lot of scientific information and studies presented that really backs up this lifestyle.
The only issue I have is that the book continuously promotes their program. This would be a bad thing, but there are no venues anywhere close to where I live (mid-north Tennessee). Insurance may cover their program, but I doubt my insurance will pay for me to travel somewhere distant to take it. With it promoting the benefits of the program, I feel I am missing out; that I'm only getting partial information since I can't participate in the program. Especially with the group benefits. And, there wasn't any contact information on their site for those of us wanting to ask questions about it; only for booking.
While I love the book, I think I would prefer less promoting of the program and keep the book to what you can do from the book. - After owning, using, and enjoying most of Dr Ornish's books, I truly believe this one is his best. I've read through and the recipes appear very doable and delicious. His material is substantiated with special and extraordinary scientific studies. However I'm finding his 2 week starting plan where you can use frozen food dinners etc. to be especially helpful. Since I'm a heart patient, I believe this book will be my next guide to better health. I'll update this offering after I've begun this helpful guide to better a refreshing lifestyle.
- The book was very vague on what foods to include in your diet to produce the spectacular results of testimonies given and described positive outcomes. I was left not knowing what to do.
- In UnDo It!, Dr. Dean has done it again, this time with a beautiful touch of upgrades by Anne Ornish, who guides the reader to the health benefits of meditation, stress-management, and delicious and nutritious recipes. This book summarizes over 30 years of research on the health benefits of the Ornish disease prevention and reversal program, used throughout the world, taught in top universities, and practiced by smart doctors. Dr. Dean's research gave me a jump start in convincing me about the health benefits of plant-based eating as a path to enjoy vibrant health. Want to live longer, happier, and healthier? Read it and do it!
- I just couldn't read some of the more helpful materials in the Appendix easily on any of my devices. I don't like having hardcopy books anymore, and there is no Audible version yet, so it's a bit disappointing.
- An exceptional and empowering book on the power of lifestyle change. This book is a must read for everyone! Whether you want to reverse heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic diseases or your goal is for optimal health and happiness; this book shares why certain lifestyle changes are so important and provides the tools to live your best life. It is filled with practical lifestyle tips, strategies, and practices from an exercise routine to simple stress management practices along inspiring questions and guidance for optimizing emotional well-being and love in your life. It also offers valuable tips on how to move to a plant-based lifestyle with many delicious recipes that inspire you to start cooking!
With the decades of impressive research along many stories of lives truly being changed based on the principles in this book, it is a breath of fresh air to read a book with such integrity. The book offers a pathway for optimum health and well-being, not only for ourselves, family and friends, but for our world.